
Thoughts from time to time, loosely linked to writing and/or the arts. A place to connect with like-minded folks.

Location: Southern California, United States

Sunday, February 05, 2006

It is time for a new beginning. This blog is dedicated to my creative life (merci, Theresa), and I plan on using it to explore the creativity I know wants to emerge. It is something of an experiment, for I will be attempting to be more revealing of myself, a move of which I am quite fearful. But if my creativity is to flourish, and if I am to be true mine own self (to coin a phrase), I must be bold. And so it begins...


Blogger Theresa Williams said...

Vicky, Your new blog looks great. I love the photo you chose to upload. This is going to make it easier for you to run with the pack. Yes, now you are part of our wolf pack. All of us exploring the creative life. Now you have a blog for "rants," as you say, and one for the creative life only. Will you experiment with the letters like we were talking about with the E. group?

11:05 PM  
Blogger Theresa Williams said...

Hey, rants can be an artform, too. Maybe work at converting one of your rants into a story or poem. That would be neat-o.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Gannet Girl said...

Welcome to the neighborhood! Great photo!

4:23 AM  
Blogger Vicky said...

Thanks - and the photo was the only one I had since I lost my hard drive and then the power cable to my scanner!

Will make some bold attempt or two at your suggestions, Theresa. Meanwhile, I have a list shaping in my head...

5:50 AM  
Blogger beths front porch said...

Vicky, congratulations on your new blog dedicated to your creative life. I so look forward to seeing you here. I don't know about you, but expressing myself is difficult in part because everything I did and was as a child I felt was criticized. So often I completely shut down before allowing myself to even think. It's a tough journey for me to come out of that shell. But that's about me...this blog is about you!! Much love, Beth

2:51 PM  
Blogger Theresa Williams said...

Vicky, what an interesting comment Beth left. I think in a way we are all struggling to speak of the criticism we received as children. You know, my first title for HURRICANES was WHAT I'M SAYING, because I felt as though I was speaking my heart for the very first time. May this blog, and all the creative work that comes from it, give you that feeling of freedom and achievement I know you deserve.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Vicky. Welcome!

9:32 AM  

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