
Thoughts from time to time, loosely linked to writing and/or the arts. A place to connect with like-minded folks.

Location: Southern California, United States

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I don't often go out on Fridays. After a long week at work, I like to come home, pour a large glass of red wine (or mix a cocktail!) and settle down to write, or read, or pop in a DVD. So when my friend reminded me I had promised to accompany her to a play last night, I groaned. Especially since it was being performed 20 miles from my home in the opposite direction from work. Still, she is my very dear friend, and walks my dog for me once a week when I have to be late home from work. So I went. And how glad I am that I did - it was awesome!!

N*W*C stands for Nigger*Wetback*Chink. Written and performed by three powerfully energetic and talented men in their twenties, it thrusts racism into your face with vigor, comedy, anger, and pathos. I laughed hard and often. I wept inside for them as they told their individual stories. Miles is black, raised in a white neighborhood. Rafael is a Latino from Ecuador, who arrived in the US with his family when he was about 11, on a vacation visa. He was "illegal" for many years. Allan is Filipino, and also immigrated to the US as a youngster. All three, who first met in community college and then transferred to UCLA together, have won international awards variously for acting, speech, and poetry slams. They are very close friends, and the love they share is palpable as they stride around the stage, confronting stereotypes, describing their lives, and ultimately pleading for the concept of the human race.

What a fabulous thing they have done. They take on the underbelly of racism and stare it in the face. Their words are profound, their acting compelling, their comedy hilarious. They are on tour, and if they ever make it to your neighborhood, I urge you to see this.

My only concern is this: that their audiences are most likely to be those who are already on the way to being "enlightened" on the subject of race. What bigot is likely to buy a ticket for a show such as this? There is apparently some talk of TV or a movie, but it would be hard to match the vibrance and power of a live performance. My wish: to have our politicians see this, to have the heads of corporate America see this, to have the religious right see this, to have our educators and our students see this, to have all of America see this. It's important.

Their website:


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, V...and the website.

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

7:21 AM  

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