
Thoughts from time to time, loosely linked to writing and/or the arts. A place to connect with like-minded folks.

Location: Southern California, United States

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Been a While

Like, almost a year, since I last posted. No excuse, really, I just got kinda sidetracked. Don't even know if anyone is going to read this except me. Maybe that's for the best!

I could spend quite some time going into all that has happened over the past year, but I shan't. It could take a long time. Suffice it to say that I have had adventures and my life continues to open up in unexpected ways. On the other hand, some things have been closed to me, things I would least have expected to be lost, but c'est la vie, comme on dit en France. Still, I have had experiences I could not have dreamed about if I had tried. Provincial Vicky on her road to new worlds.

It's my birthday on Saturday, a birthday that is on the cusp of early and mid fifties. I little dreamed of how much better my fifties would be than my forties. Yes, I look at my skin and the roots of my hair (the rest is neatly camouflaged with chemicals on a regular basis), and lament my lost freshness and elasticity. But that passes very quickly. Better to recognize my life for what it is now, the most open it has ever been. There are more opportunities in some ways than I have ever had. Not even as a newly graduated college student did I ever have so much that is there for the taking. Yes, I have financial crap to deal with, and yes, there is plenty for me to complain about if I look around for it. But my sons are grown - the second one starts his first real job after college on Monday and the first has been working for over two years - and I only have myself now to take care of. I have an exciting and attentive lover and a stimulating job. My summers are mine. I lost a lot of weight last year and have kept most of it off so I think I look ok for my age. My health is fine. And I live in California, sun-kissed land of opportunity. (OK, also land of the freeway jams and the smog, but you can't have everything.)

I need to re-read this little screed from time to time when I get grumpy or whiny. I am so effing lucky!

I hope I can make it back here more often, if only to sort out my thoughts - this has been a good exercise, even something as simple as what I have written here. I shall go to bed with a smile on my face tonight.

Goodnight, Moon. Goodnight, Blog.


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