
Thoughts from time to time, loosely linked to writing and/or the arts. A place to connect with like-minded folks.

Location: Southern California, United States

Monday, November 06, 2006


First and foremost - Barbaro is out of his cast and doing very well! I was happy to see that piece of news on the internet today!

As for me, I seem to be living life at one hundred miles an hour right now, and scarcely have a moment to breathe, let alone write, blog, read other blogs, etc. I have to do some better organizing of my time. But when will I have time to that?

I'm happy, though, if a trifle weary occasionally. M is often in town, and we go out in the evenings. What a concept - life after work! Hah! After spending so long focused almost solely on doing the best I can at work, I have now shifted a little, and it is still a little disorienting. Doing the best I can at work could easily take 24/7, so I am modifying and accommodating (two special education terms!), and trying to strike a reasonable balance between work and play. With some humdrum routine living-a-life type stuff squeezed in-between.

I turned 52 a couple of weeks ago, and am finding life getting better and better. It's almost as if I have paid my dues, so now it's time to reap the rewards - if that isn't mixing metaphors too clumsily. (Actually, I think it works.) I'm in the fifth year of my profession, and the learning curve has become a lot more gentle, so I can relax a tad in that respect. I just took and passed an exam that will allow me to practice privately - that gives me more options. My sons are growing up well and away from home, needing far less from me now, so I can begin to relax and look for things that please me. The Puritan in me produces a fair dollop of guilt when I do that, but the rank hedonist appears to be winning out right now! Somebody said to me recently that a good way to live is to approach life as if we had only six months to live. Sounds like a fair compromise. Some planning and caution is called for, but there is always the knowledge that there ain't much time left, so get the most you can out of what is offered. Works for me.

Will attempt to visit other blogs very soon - meanwhile, thanks for all the comments, my friends.


Blogger Carla Zilbersmith said...

Hi Vicky,

I read your comment on Alison's blog about my show. thank you so much! It was so great to meet you if briefly.

I promised to keep you and the others I met that night posted about the show but true to form I lost your email addresses. Next Saturday will be the last performance so please spread the word! I am also spreading the word about an amazing solo performer named Anne Randolphe who will be doing her solo show in November and December in LA. You can go to for more details. She's astonishing.

Keep in touch. Any friend of Ali's is a friend of mine !

Very best wishes


7:46 PM  
Blogger Erin Berger Guendelsberger said...

Hi Vicki,

One hundred miles an hour can be exhilerating! (And exhausting.) I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself.

All best,

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rank hedonist! Who would've believed it?

5:19 PM  

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