
Thoughts from time to time, loosely linked to writing and/or the arts. A place to connect with like-minded folks.

Location: Southern California, United States

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Oh my -

- how long it has been since I wrote an entry. I feel almost shy about re-posting and re-entering the community here. I have not read blogs, I have not written blogs. I have been Absent. I have my excuses, but they would all sound kinda lame once I made them show their faces here, so they shall lie low, huddling in the back seat of the car as I drive back into the daylight.

I have been reading. Reading a lot. Right now, on the recommendation of my 20-year-old son, I am reading "On the Road," a book I never quite got round to when I was his age, or any age for that matter. "It changed my life," he announced, "my way of thinking about things." As someone with a tad more to change than he does, I am not finding it quite so metamorphoric (if there is such a word), but the ease and fluency with which Kerouac writes, quite apart from the wonderful content, is a joy to experience. This book is FUN to read. I am caught up in his excitement at the beginning of his travels. Of course, as a newcomer to the book, I have no idea of whether or not the fun continues, but right now I am enjoying myself in his colorful prose.

Greetings to those of you who might drop in again. I shall be back to say hello to you on your respective blogs. I've missed you.


Blogger Theresa Williams said...

ON THE ROAD loosens up the imagination, that's for sure. I've had a few students through the years who've sang its praises. This summer I read that Capote said of Kerouac and his ilk (of their work): "That's not writing, that's typing." Capote's work was so structured, so smooth that he wouldn't have appreciated the beats. What I want to read again is ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE. Have you read that? I lost my old copy and just purchased another. No need to be shy about entering and exiting the blogging world. I've been doing the same. Sometimes you just have to step away. The days go on here. I begin to feel light and happy and then I remember what my son is going through and I feel devastated again. It is a constant up and down situation. I do have some news regarding my job I need to share, so stay tuned for that. Hope your work is going well. I'm doing an overload and am so busy. Thanks for all your caring notes. Much love, Theresa xoxoxxxxooooxoxo

12:34 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I've missed you too, and I'm very glad to hear that nothing catastrophic was behind the absence. I'm with Theresa. Don't feel bad about slipping in and out of the blogging world. This is only one small part of our lives, and keeping it in perspective is important. I loved "On The Road," but not with the passion that others have held for it. I see the life in Kerouac and others like him in their writing and then see the destruction in so many of their off the page lives. I don't expect authors to be just like their works, but I see so much loss and waste when I re-read his works and then look at his life.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Gannet Girl said...

Hey, girl...I'm on sabbatical, but I'm glad you're back!

6:01 AM  

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